

I’ve only been knitting secret things lately. The downfall of secret knitting projects is that I can’t discuss them or post pictures of them for fear of discovery (and it’s a very real fear in these cases). So, I’ll just say that my secret knitting is going well, I’ve got secret gauge, I love my secret patterns, and I love my secret yarns and will use them again in the future. The good, not secret, news is that I am actually utilizing what some might call “foresight” and documenting my secret knitting escapades so that I can share them once they are no longer secret. I love pictures of knitting (secret or otherwise) in progress.

Since I can’t share my current knitting, I wanted to give an update on Baby Sophisticate. I’ve had feedback that the pattern is running small (my mistake – confused by standard sizing – it could happen to anyone, right?). I’ve adjusted the age ranges for the pattern to 0-3 months and 6-12 months. Michelle unfortunately knitted almost an entire sweater before having to frog it and resize (really sorry!). I’m very thankful that it didn’t deter her from reknitting the sweater, and she has offered to share her size modifications to fit an 18-24 month old if there is enough interest on her blog. You should definitely check out her post even if you are not interested in the size modifications – she has posted an adorable picture of her little guy wearing “Chocolate” and running through a field. :-) Her photography is amazing! (I have to admit that it is quite surreal for me to see my design on a child I don’t know – you can tell I’m a newbie to all of this).

Ok, back to being secretive . . .