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A while back, I became enamored of a certain lovely sport weight – Araucania Ranco Multi.  My interest in this yarn was new to me – although I love pink, I haven’t bought a lot of pink yarn in the past and I am usually wary of variegated yarns because I am terrified of horrific color pooling [ravely link].  I guess this yarn spoke to me, though, and I ended up walking out of the store with one skein and no idea what I was going to do with it.  Not really in the mood for socks, I started contemplating my other options.  At 376 yards, I figured I had enough for a small shawl (as you can see from previous posts I’m really into them lately, although this shawl was actually the first!).


Because of the variations in color, I wanted to do something really, really simple – so I started knitting garter stitch and figured I would think about the edging when I got there.  I found knitting on this shawl very relaxing – it was the kind of thing I could pick up any time, knit a little bit and put down when I needed to.  I quickly made it to a point where I thought I must consider the edging, and I decided to continue with my simple-is-better theme and do a small attached ruffle on the edge.  By casting on a few stitches and attaching the border to the shawl every-other right side row, I created a slightly ruffled garter stitch edge that I think is really cute.


I blocked the shawl very, very aggressively to make it grow.  The garter stitch really opened up and left me with a soft, lightweight fabric.  Emily, Kristen and I had a photoshoot with the finished project, I wrote up what I did, and . . . ta da – it’s the Skinny Ruffles Shawlette!


Pattern:  Skinny Ruffles Shawlette

Yarn: Araucania Ranco Multi, 1 skein (376 yds/ 343 m)

Needles: US5

If you want to give this one skein shawlette a try, just download the pattern below!  It’s free!  The pattern hasn’t been test knit (although it is a pretty simple construction), so I would greatly appreciate a note if anyone finds an error or something that could be made clearer!


ERRATA 07/23/09:  The original PDF had row 2 of the set up and all WS rows as “p all sts”.  Since this shawl is garter stitch, that can’t be right!  Row 2 of the set up and all WS rows should be “k all sts”.  Can’t believe that one got past me, but maybe it shows that I was focusing on making sure the rest of the pattern was error free?  : )