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It was a very busy fall so I didn’t get a whole lot of Christmas knitting done. My ruby red Juneberry Triangle for my grandma and this project were the extent of it actually! And what do you know? I knit another Brooklyntweed pattern for my other grandma (it’s all about the symmetry). I decided to knit my grandma the shawl version of Girasole and I wanted to work it in a very cheerful color – thus, yellow! When Emily visited a couple of months ago we went to Webs (yes, I actually live sort of close to the store now!!) and I fell in love with a beautiful golden Madelinetosh sock called Winter Wheat. Once the idea of knitting Girasole for my grandma formed in my head, the Madelinetosh sock was the only yarn that would suit.

Knitting the shawl version of the pattern was very different from the giant blanket I knit for Emily and Eric’s wedding a couple of years ago – mostly because you don’t have to lug around such a mass of fabric when you’re knitting the shawl as opposed to the blanket! I think I fell even more in love with the pattern this time around and I am resolved to make one for myself! The shawl was also a lot easier to block than the blanket (which ended up, like, 9 feet in diameter).

I think the sunflower pattern looks amazing in yellow and I’m so in love with how it turned out! The Madelinetosh sock was the perfect yarn for the shawl, and after blocking it has the most wonderful weight and feel. Love, love, love.